Friday, September 21, 2007

Looking Backwards to the Future?

When you stop and think about who you are and why you are the way you are, what comes to mind. What makes you tick, what sets you off, what turns you on. Where do we develop these TICKS or did we come pre programed? I believe we are products of our enviroment to some extent. We come preprogramed to a point. The atmosphere we are subjected to on a daily basis forces us to become jaded.

The people we meet and interact with develops our skills to communicate with others on different levels. Meth addicts are a creature of habbit. Not by choice, but thriugh their chosen addiction. Meth addicts have many characteristics that set them apart from many other addicts.

We, Meth heads love to tinker with things. We find projects that we wrap our minds around in order to slow the pace at which we have increased our mental speed. When under the influence of our chosen narcotic, we become scatter brained. We think of a thousand things to do, when we pick one, we are locked into until completed. We may not sleep, eat or drink for many hours. It is not all together a bad side effect, however dehydration, sleep depervation and Being F'd up play signifigant roles in our ability to make intelligent choices.

I once had the idea of taking motor vehicle undercoating and spraying the outer casing of my Palm Treo. My thought process was this:

The under coating is tough, providing alot of protection for the device. The drying time was the problem. Thirty minutes is along time in drug time. My solution, bake the sprayed phone case. This would have worked out great had I not placed the oven on broil and got lost in internet porn. I am now the proud owner of a five hundred dollar, undercoated blob. Lesson learned, any idea I have should be ran by a sober person first.

Thats all for today, its friday, I have a new Pathfinder that needs to be detailed. To everyone have a good weekend.


Unknown said...
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Samara said...

Sorry! I know it may be mean, but I laughed about the $500 blob. At least it wasn't your car or something you decided to rip apart and never put back together! (seen that one first hand) lol